Baldivis Shopping Centre, Stage 2, 2017

Location: Baldivis, Western Australia

  • baldivis

This project involved the assessments of noise emissions from the development for compliance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 and an internal acoustical assessment. Herring Storer Acoustics also undertook the internal assessment in relation to GreenStar IEQ-7.

The assessment of noise emissions involved the development and running of a SoundPlan noise model for the assessment for compliance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 and where exceedances were determined developing noise mitigation and liaising with council to show that with the mitigation, compliance would be achieved. Noise sources assessed included, air conditioning, refrigeration, exhaust systems and delivery vehicles.

The IEQ-7 assessment involved the assessment of internal noise levels to achieve compliance with the set criteria, preparation and submission of report for inclusion in the GreenStar submission.

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