Noise Ingress

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For many developments it is desirable to control the noise received within the premises from external noise. This can be transportation noise relating to roads, rail or aircraft. For noise sensitive premises, noise received from road and rail noise at and within a premise are required to comply with the requirements of State Planning Policy 5.4. For aircraft noise, noise received within a premises needs to compliance with requirements of Australian Standard AS 2021:2015 and State Planning Policy 5.1 and 5.3.

Additional to noise sensitive premises, there are many other developments were the control of external noise received within a space is required. In these cases, guidance on internal criteria can be obtained from Australian Standards or other set criteria. 

To achieve the required internal noise levels requires the façade construction to provide a certain noise reduction or Rw value. This Rw value is determined by the difference in the external noise level and the required internal noise level. 

Although noise ingress normally relates to transportation noise, it can also relate to noise received within a development from that developments own activities or noise emissions. Typical examples are noise ingress for :

  • mechanical and / or hydraulic services plant;
  • vehicle movements within a depot; or
  • noise from equipment or hand tools within a workshop.